⚠️ Since it was created on 2022-10-07, the content of the article may be outdated.

For English readers:

Hello, World!

Firstly, I have to tell you that I’m a Chinese student, an undergraduate college student. So my English could be a little strange. But I hope you can forgive me because I born in China and I learnt & used Chinese for all these 21 years.


Welcome to this world, which is conbined by binary numbers(0 and 1, infinitely).

You know this is my space, or world, whatever you call it in English. I also wanna call it a vector space, although I have to say that I’m not good at linear algebra.

(Just because my nickname is ‘muki’, and this vocabulary means ‘direction’ in Japanese, direction? a value with direction? Yep, That is a Vector, so my space became a vector space. I think there might have a definition of it in Linear Algebra!)

But in Japan (or in China nowadays), we call this kind of people “Chuni(8th grade) Syndrome”. That means this kind of people always fall in their imagination and cannot get rid of it. If you are watching Japanese animes, you probably know this word.

In this website, I will talk about my daily life and my learning methods. I’m learning CS courses! UCB CS61A, Harvard CS50, MIT-The Missing Semester, I love these courses. I have never taken such a brilliant lecture in a college in China.

You can favorite this website, or just have a sightseeing. You can leave here anytime, no one will care about it. But you might cannnot find this space the next time. Because if a zero or one has been changed, the whole binary number changed, and this HTML will not be here, forever. (That means, if I got something wrong with the css files…)

You can leave a comment here, I’ll make a comment area for you these days.

Something you need to know:


  • It’s important to emphasize that there has no NG things. Such as NSFW or something about politics. No. Definitely No. That is ONLY MY PRIVATE SPACE, just like a blog. (Please do not delete my account if you are an administrator, please email me and tell me what’s wrong, I’ll correct it in time)

  • About Copyrights. If I upload something infringe your rights, please email me and I’ll delete it.

  • All of the texts and photos in this website will not be used for commercial use.

  • If there are something wrong, please email me: kiminomuki@gmail.com

Powered By Github Pages & Hexo & Butterfly

Thank for Github and Github Pages, without them, this website will not be existed.

And Hexo, thanks for providing us a beautiful framework to make a HTML website.

And Butterfly, you made a perfect theme for Hexo, and I can use this abstraction structured by you and create this web easily.

Thank all of you, and that’s why I love open-source projects and their community!

AI-> Illustrator

Almost all of the illustrations in this website are generated by AI. (I will make a statement if the picture I used is not generated by AI!)

Thanks This Waifu Does Not Exist & NovelAI. I use the tools which is powered by their technology to draw a picture for me.

We are already in a world which is powered by Artificial Intelligence. Or the meta universe. And that is one of the ideas that this website want to express.

Q&A (This is a newbie website, and that’s why it’s not FAQ)

Q&A: Questions And Answers

FAQ: Frequently Asked Questions

Who are you?

Don’t care about it. That’s a long story, and I do not want to tell all of them to you this time. AND, DON’T CARE ABOUT WHO I AM. If you are my classmates, or my friends, just forget who I am, or just treat this person who are talking to you as an unknown one.

This space is called a vector space, and I’m muki. You can call me muki, and that’s enough for you and me.

My ID:

  • English: Muki Yazawa and Muki Kimino

  • 简体中文:向量muki

  • 日本語:矢澤ムキ と きみのムキ

  • Global Value: muki-> (-> is a vector, or a pointer if you love C, that programming language)

Is that illustration a free one for you to use?

  • The cover photo of this web is generated by AI from NobelAI. I gave them a description, and they generated this photo for me automatically.

    A anime girl with pink hair sitting in front of a computer, the girl is watching the computer screen, and typing with the keyboard. She is a hacker.

  • This Waifu Does Not Exist. I got my profile photo from this project. Their photos are all public domin. And under the (https://creativecommons.org/share-your-work/public-domain/cc0/) license.

  • NovelAI In this FAQ manual, they said NovelAI does not claim any ownership over the images you generate and waives any responsibility that arises from usage outside the service.

You are using Markdown! Instead of HTML!

Yep, Because I love Markdown. And I appreciate Hexo for making good tools for us, I can use Markdown, instead of HTML, to make a HTML project for me.

That’s why I love Abstraction.

Telegram Channel?

click this ->



That’s enough for this particle. I’m learning CS courses. Although I’m not a Hacker now, I do not want to be a Loser (Or you American spelled it ‘Luser’ before). I am a newbie, so please forgive me for my ignorance of knowledges.

What I want to mention is that I have already submit the Chinese version of this document! And this one is translated from the Chinese version all by myself. The Japanese version will be translated by myself, too.

But I will not write three versions of different languages the next time. That is too difficult for me, please let me make my life easier. The language I choose will be determined by me. Maybe a Japanese one, or maybe a English one. I’d love to use a foreign language, because the more I use, the more I acknowledge.

If you want to add a friend link, just email me.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

ヾ( ̄▽ ̄)Bye~Bye